Monday, January 24, 2011

A Start

So I have been turned on to blogging & I thought it might be a good idea to blog about our journey with PWS. Our youngest daughter was born 2 years ago with this genetic disorder and adjusting to life with PWS has been different and we have yet to hit the difficult spots. As this blog continues on and our daughter grows, we will definately be able to see and remember the ups and downs of our journey.


  1. Thanks for mentioning my blog. I'm going to be following you now, too. I love the background of your blog. It was freaking me out at first. I expected a video to be where the TV was. Dont ask me, I'm a little off.

  2. I figured since I halfway stole the idea from you to blog about J and PWS I should definately mention it & link it to this page. I'm just hoping that what my family is and will go through with J will be helpful to someone else, just like it is helpful for me to read about everyone else's older kiddos.
